Evaporation of Inclined Drops: Formation of Asymmetric Ring Patterns

Autor: Maheshwar Gopu, Uma Namangalam, Ravi Kumar Pujala, Dileep Mampallil, Sunil Kumar, Sachin Rathod
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Langmuir. 36:8137-8143
ISSN: 1520-5827
Popis: Evaporation of colloidal drops on horizontal surfaces deposits the contained particles at the drop-edge producing radially symmetric ring-like stains. The symmetry in the particle deposition is broken when the drop is placed on a tilted surface due to the influence of gravity on the suspended particles and the drop itself. Using extremely small drops generated by electrospray, we explore cases where different mechanisms of particle transport dominate. We show that the asymmetric residues are formed as the gravity-induced effects compete with the capillary flow. Our results give a broad insight into the pattern formation of evaporating inclined drops.
Databáze: OpenAIRE