Destructive Dielectric Characterization Of Material Using Microstrip Ring Resonator

Autor: HayssamEl Hajj, Mohammad Hawila, IsmailEl Sayad, Hussein Kassem, Ahmad Hamdan, Rabih Rammal
Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1317951
Popis: Material measurement is a very important step to be conducted before integrating materials in components and devices. The method used here is a mono-frequency method using Microstrip Ring resonator (MRR). The material to be measured can either be integrated within the MRR structure forming a multilayered device and thus destructive measurement or the case of the MRR sandwiched between the substrate and the material to be measured thus forming a Non-destructive measurement. The method uses the MRR as a sensor with specific dimensions and specific equation characterizing the relation between its dimensions, layer thicknesses and permittivity of the layers. The inverse problem to extract the permittivity of the unknown material is an equation based one. The results of measurement are compared to those of finite element method simulation software and the error is non-significant.
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