SEMATECH and the national technology roadmap: needs and challenges

Autor: Karen H. Brown
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: SPIE Proceedings.
ISSN: 0277-786X
Popis: In 1994, The National Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors was revised, updated to reflect the latest information, and published in December 1994. Lithography continues to be a cornerstone for semiconductor process and productivity. The roadmap activity is sponsored by the SIA. The Technical Working Group (TWG), which does the actual work of updating the roadmap, is comprised of members from SEMATECH, SEMATECH FTABs, SRC, industry, universities and government. One of SEMATECH's key goals is to insure that the activities we pursue are well-aligned to the roadmap. The roadmap is focused on requirements and needs of the industry. SEMATECH is focused on solutions. The Lithography roadmap makes clear the desire of semiconductor manufacturers to stay with optics as long as possible since shifts to nonoptical technology are viewed as much higher investment and risk. It is perceived that optics can be a viable manufacturing solution through at least the 0.18 micrometers generation. The TWG and SEMATECH FTAB meetings highlighted the need for greatly increased emphasis and resources on 193 nm technology to bring it to pilot production in 1998 for the 0.18 micrometers generation. SEMATECH has since worked with the industry to define more detailed needs and requirements for a successful 193 program and is working with industry and the government to insure that the technology is available when needed in manufacturing. The needs are clear...cost-effective lithography for each generation. The challenges to get there from here.
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