Aggressive Progression of Takayasu’s Arteritis in Infancy: A Case Report

Autor: Mirna Sipl, Ksenija Marjanović, Dalibor Divković, Roman Pavić, Robert Blažeković
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Acta clinica Croatica
Volume 58.
Issue 3.
Acta Clinica Croatica
ISSN: 1333-9451
Popis: Takayasu’s arteritis (TA) affects the aorta and its branches. Immunosuppressants are the usual course of therapy, while surgery has been used in acute cases. There is only scant information on TA in infancy, and the nonspecific symptoms in the initial stage of the disease make the diagnosis difficult and delayed, thus increasing the mortality rate. We describe a case of aggressive progression of TA in an infant. This child was the youngest to be affected with the disease as reported in the literature. A 3.5-month-old boy pre-sented with cyanosis of both legs, tachycardia and antithrombin III deficiency. Computed tomography angiography (CTA) revealed thrombosis of distal aorta and both iliac arteries. Thrombectomy was per-formed at the level of both common femoral arteries. In addition, thigh amputation of the left leg had to be performed. TA was diagnosed postmortem with thrombosis of the distal aorta, its branches and upper mesenteric artery which was not occluded on previous CTA, glomerulonephritis and pulmonary paren-chymal granulomatous infiltrations.
Takayasuov arteritis (TA) zahvaća aortu i njezine ogranke. Imunosupresivi su obično terapija ove bolesti, dok je kirurško liječenje opisano samo u akutnim slučajevima. U literaturi ne postoji puno podataka o TA u dojenačkoj dobi. Nespecifični simptomi na početku bolesti otežavaju postavljanje dijagnoze i povećavaju stopu smrtnosti. Bo-lesnik opisan u ovom prikazu slučaja je najmlađi ikad objavljen u literaturi. Tri i pol mjeseca star dječak je imao cijanotične obje noge, tahikardiju i manjak antitrombina III. Kompjutorizirana tomografija angiografija (CTA) je pokazala trombozu distalne aorte i obiju ilijačnih arterija. Trombektomija je odmah zatim učinjena na razini obiju zajedničkih femoralnih arterija. Daljnje komplikacije su zahtijevale natkoljeničnu amputaciju lijeve noge. TA je dijagnosticiran nakon smrti bolesnika pri obdukciji s vidljivom trombozom distalne aorte i njezinih ogranaka, gornje mezenterične arterije koja nije bila zahvaćena na ranije učinjenoj CTA te glomerulonefritisom i plućnom parenhi-matoznom granulomatoznom infiltracijom.
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