Validation of edge turbulence codes against the TCV-X21 diverted L-mode reference case

Autor: D.S. Oliveira, T. Body, D. Galassi, C. Theiler, E. Laribi, P. Tamain, A. Stegmeir, M. Giacomin, W. Zholobenko, P. Ricci, H. Bufferand, J.A. Boedo, G. Ciraolo, C. Colandrea, D. Coster, H. de Oliveira, G. Fourestey, S. Gorno, F. Imbeaux, F. Jenko, V. Naulin, N. Offeddu, H. Reimerdes, E. Serre, C.K. Tsui, N. Varini, N. Vianello, M. Wiesenberger, C. Wüthrich, null the TCV Team
Přispěvatelé: Swiss Plasma Center (SPC), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Max Planck Institute for Plasma physics (IPP-MPG), Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Institut de Recherche sur la Fusion par confinement Magnétique (IRFM), Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA), University of California [San Diego] (UC San Diego), University of California (UC), Danmarks Tekniske Universitet = Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Laboratoire de Mécanique, Modélisation et Procédés Propres (M2P2), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-École Centrale de Marseille (ECM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Ricerca Formazione Innovazione (Consorzio RFX), National Research Council of Italy | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), TCV Team
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Oliveira, D S, Body, T, Galassi, D, Theiler, C, Laribi, E, Tamain, P, Stegmeir, A, Giacomin, M, Zholobenko, W, Ricci, P, Bufferand, H, Boedo, J A, Ciraolo, G, Colandrea, C, Coster, D, De Oliveira, H, Fourestey, G, Gorno, S, Imbeaux, F, Jenko, F, Naulin, V, Offeddu, N, Reimerdes, H, Serre, E, Tsui, C K, Varini, N, Vianello, N, Wiesenberger, M, Wüthrich, C & TCV Team 2022, ' Validation of edge turbulence codes against the TCV-X21 diverted L-mode reference case ', Nuclear Fusion, vol. 62, no. 9, 096001 .
Nuclear Fusion
Nuclear Fusion, 2022, 62 (9), pp.096001. ⟨10.1088/1741-4326/ac4cde⟩
ISSN: 0029-5515
Popis: Self-consistent full-size turbulent-transport simulations of the divertor and scrape-off-layer (SOL) of existing tokamaks have recently become feasible. This enables the direct comparison of turbulence simulations against experimental measurements. In this work, we perform a series of diverted ohmic L-mode discharges on the tokamak à configuration variable (TCV) tokamak, building a first-of-a-kind dataset for the validation of edge turbulence models. This dataset, referred to as TCV-X21, contains measurements from five diagnostic systems from the outboard midplane (OMP) to the divertor targets—giving a total of 45 one- and two-dimensional comparison observables in two toroidal magnetic field directions. The experimental dataset is used to validate three flux-driven 3D fluid-turbulence models—GBS, GRILLIX and TOKAM3X. With each model, we perform simulations of the TCV-X21 scenario, individually tuning the particle and power source rates to achieve a reasonable match of the upstream separatrix value of density and electron temperature. We find that the simulations match the experimental profiles for most observables at the OMP—both in terms of profile shape and absolute magnitude—while a comparatively poorer agreement is found towards the divertor targets. The match between simulation and experiment is seen to be sensitive to the value of the resistivity, the heat conductivities, the power injection rate and the choice of sheath boundary conditions. Additionally, despite targeting a sheath-limited regime, the discrepancy between simulations and experiment also suggests that the neutral dynamics should be included. The results of this validation show that turbulence models are able to perform simulations of existing devices and achieve reasonable agreement with experimental measurements. Where disagreement is found, the validation helps to identify how the models can be improved. By publicly releasing the experimental dataset and validation analysis, this work should help to guide and accelerate the development of predictive turbulence simulations of the edge and SOL.
Databáze: OpenAIRE