Room temperature bloch surface wave polaritons

Autor: S. Pirotta, Matteo Galli, Giacomo Dacarro, Giancarlo Canazza, Marco Liscidini, Daniele Bajoni, Davide Comoretto, Giorgio Guizzetti, Maddalena Patrini
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
Popis: A recent theoretical proposal suggested strong coupling between excitons and Bloch Surface Waves, which are photonic modes that exist at the interface between a truncated photonic crystal, and an ideally semi-infinite dielectric medium. In this work we report on the observation of strong coupling between the Bloch surface wave supported by an inorganic multilayer structure and J-aggregate excitons in an organic semiconductor. The dispersion curves of the resulting polariton modes are investigated by means of angle-resolved attenuated total reflection as well as photoluminescence experiments. The measured Rabi splitting is 290 meV.
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