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The study was primarily based on primary data, the size of holding varied from farmer to farmer.Hence, a purposive non-random sampling was adopted for the present study. Total numbers ofsample farms 46 from different categories were selected purposively from Veerampura (Bayana)villages of Bharatpur District of Rajasthan under diversified agro-climatic conditions of fennelhave given encouraging results over farmers practice and have potential to perform well in floodprone eastern plain zone 3B of Rajasthan. The seed spices occupy an important position in earningof foreign exchange. A large number of spices are grown in India. During 2019-20, production ofseed spices in India's was 9.4 million metric tons respectively. Present study is conducted duringthe year 2020-21. In this research paper an attempt has been made to study the size of land holding,family composition, economy status, educational level and farm fixed & variable investments. This research paper also deals with the cost incurred in growing of fennel on farm of different sizealong with the various cost concepts. However, it was recovered by increasing gross and net returnsubstantially and resulted in more benefit cost ratio.The use of improved production technologieswith timely systematic management would increase productivity of fennel. This will substantiallyincrease the income as well as the livelihood of the farming community who are mainly associatedwith this crop. This study is conducted for estimate the socio-economic status of fennel growersand also estimate the cost and returns from fennel production in different farm size groups in studyarea. |