Agroclimatic atlas – prototype

Autor: Otakar Cerba, Pavel Hajek, František Zadražil, Tomáš Andrš, Karel Jedlička, Jiří Valeš
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: EMS Annual Meeting 2021
DOI: 10.5194/ems2021-475
Popis: Our contribution presents a prototype of Agroclimatic atlas - a web map application, presenting agroclimatic factors: Frost-free period, Water balance, Total precipitation, Total solar radiation, Last date with soil temperature above 10 °C for nitrogen application, Number of days with growing temperatures for a crop, Number of days with optimal growing temperatures for a crop HSU - Heat stress units for a crop, The factors are calculated based on algorithms described in Calculation of Agro-Climatic Factors from Global Climatic Data (Jedlička et al. 2021, doi: 10.3390/app11031245).The agroclimatic atlas application aims to provide a comprehensive overview of agriculture-related climatic characteristics of an area of interest in a time retrospective. The application can be used by both an individual farmer or a precision farming expert exploring a wider area.The principal source of climatic variables (such as temperature, rainfall, evaporation, runoff, and solar radiation) used in the atlas is the ERA5-Land dataset (available as the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) at its Climate Date Store). The contemporary version of the Agroclimatic Atlas application is accessible from here This version is in Czech only and portrays data from Czechia 10 years backward. However, the application is under ongoing development driven by the H2020 projects Stargate, Sieusoil, and Smartagrihubs. Therefore a newer version will be presented at the conference. The first design concepts can be seen in the figure below.Figure 1. - Mockup of Agroclimatic atlas application, accessible from
Databáze: OpenAIRE