Length scale dependent elasticity in DNA from coarse-grained and all-atom models

Autor: Aderik Voorspoels, Enrico Carlon, Enrico Skoruppa, Jocelyne Vreede
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: The mechanical properties of DNA are typically described by elastic theories with purely local couplings (on-site models). We discuss and analyze coarse-grained (oxDNA) and all-atom simulations, which indicate that in DNA distal sites are coupled. Hence, off-site models provide a more realistic description of the mechanics of the double helix. We show that off-site interactions are responsible for a length scale dependence of the elasticity, and we develop an analytical framework to estimate bending and torsional persistence lengths in models including these interactions. Our simulations indicate that off-site couplings are particularly strong for certain degrees of freedom, while they are very weak for others. If stiffness parameters obtained from DNA data are used, the theory predicts large length scale dependent effects for torsional fluctuations and a modest effect in bending fluctuations, which is in agreement with experiments.
16 pages, 9 figures; video abstract at https://youtu.be/8FUdFw8IbuY
Databáze: OpenAIRE