Autor: James R. Chess, Masaaki Murano
Rok vydání: 1987
Zdroj: Journal of Crustacean Biology. 7:182-197
ISSN: 1937-240X
Popis: One new genus and four new species of Mysidacea collected from Californian coastal waters are described. .dmathimvsis rrigibbu. new species. is unique in having three tubercles on the carapace and is further distinguished from other species of the genus by the antennal scale, mandibular palp. fifth male pleopod, and uropod. This is the first record of the genus occumng on the Pacific coast. ~4cunthomysis californicu. new species, is recognized as a new species by the smooth abdominal somites and the shape and armature of the telson. .-icunthomysis brunneu. new species, is distinguished by the shape of the rostral plate. the slender antennal scale, the slender side lobe of the fourth male pleopod, and the shape and armature of the telson. The new genus Hippucunrhomysis is distinguished from allied genera of the tribe Mysini by having an expanded and knife-shaped first segment of the exopod of the fourth male pleopod. The species described herein are based on specimens collected during ecological investigations in Californian coastal waters by the National Marine Fisheries Service of the United States. In this paper we describe 4 new species, one of which is placed in a new genus. The type specimens are deposited in the National Museum of Natural History (USNM), Smithsonian Institution, Washington. D.C. Amathimysis trigibba, new species
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