Stereological estimation of the total number of neurons in the murine hippocampus using the optical disector

Autor: Paul Stanford, Jing Hua Zhao, Ian P. Everall, Daniel Mackay, Iman Abusaad, David A. Collier
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: The Journal of comparative neurology. 408(4)
ISSN: 0021-9967
Popis: Using a stereological method, the optical disector, we examined three inbred strains of mice (NZB/BINJ, DBA/2, and C57BL/6J) for morphological differences in volume, neuronal number, and density of the pyramidal cell and dentate gyrus granule cell layers of the hippocampus. We found significant differences in volume and neuronal number for both regions between the three strains at 9 weeks of age, but only modest differences in neuronal density. The left dentate volume was 90% larger in the NZB strain and 70% greater in the DBA strain (P
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