Eliminacja z obrotu prawnego orzeczeń sądów cywilnych wydanych przeciwko osobom w chwili wniesienia pozwu nieżyjącym

Autor: Forystek, Józef
Jazyk: polština
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.26106/cgw8-jh65
Popis: The article discusses decisions of civil courts, which were addressed to deceased persons. These issues are not merely theoretical, but mainly of practical value, especially for the judicial bodies and attorneys who represent parties in such cases. In the legal system, there are still many such rulings issued mostly in cases regarding the regulation of the legal status of real properties. The author points out that such rulings are different from "the defective rulings senso stricto" category (which are eliminated as a result of appealing based on the civil procedure) as well as "non-existing rulings" and classified them as a new "sui generis void rulings" category. The author supports the necessity of eliminating such rulings from the legal system at every opportunity, presenting de lege ferenda postulates and referring to the resolution of the Supreme Court, dated 26 September 2000, III CZP 29/00.
Databáze: OpenAIRE