Efficacy of Sociometric Ratings in Predicting Leadership Success

Autor: Herbert H. Reynolds
Rok vydání: 1966
Zdroj: Psychological Reports. 19:35-40
ISSN: 1558-691X
DOI: 10.2466/pr0.1966.19.1.35
Popis: 33 senior Air Force ROTC college students were assigned positions of responsibility in the cadet training program based upon combined staff and peer sociometric ratings. The object of the study was to determine the efficacy of the peer ratings in predicting leadership success. Staff officer ratings at the end of the study period (one semester) served as the success criterion. A rho of .83 between peer ratings and the success criterion was obtained ( p < .01). A test of the estimated reliability of staff ratings yielded a coefficient of .93 when the average staff correlation of .73 was “stepped up” by the Spearman-Brown Prophecy Formula. It was concluded that sociometric ratings are quite valuable as a predictive instrument of leadership success. Use of this technique in the many areas of leadership appears not only justified but highly desirable for optimal utilization of organizational members.
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