Ciliated Colonization of Artificial Substrates in Different Saprobic Conditions in a Running Water

Autor: I. Habdija, B. Primc
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1987
Popis: This work investigates the effect of water current velocity and organic load on the colonization rate of ciliated Protozoa in periphyton communities. Artificial substrates (glass slides) were placed at three stations in a small mountain stream which runs through urban and industrial areas. The first station was located in an oligosaprobic to beta-mesosaprobic zone, the second in an alfa-mesosaprobic zone, and the third station in an alfa-mesosaprobic to polysaprobic zone. At each station three substrates were placed in biotopes of different current velocity values (5... 20 cm/ sec, 20 ... 40 cm/sec. and 50 ... 70 cm/sec). With such a distribution of artificial substrates it was possible to study the effect of the water current velocity on the colonization dynamics of ciliates in particular saprobic zones.
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