Game-Based Instructional Delivery in Promoting School Achievement in Public Elementary Schools

Autor: Hazel Ann L. Atienza, Edilberto Z. Andal, EdD
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8055267
Popis: The study determined the practices of teachers in developing game-based instruction towards game-based learning, game-based learning activities and game-based learning environment and assessed the school achievement through teachers’ performance that includes strategies, innovation and intervention and students’ performance which includes motivation, skills and academic achievement. The researcher applied the descriptive method of research where the respondents described the existing practices in line with the Game-Based Instructional Delivery and School Achievement. The descriptions were obtained from her respondents which included One Hundred (100) Public Elementary School Teachers of Tiaong I District Tiaong, Quezon. Survey and type questionnaires were developed and validated to gather data. The result shows that teachers perceived Game-Based Learning as always practiced with mean of 4.13. The teachers assist the students in acquiring their skills. The result shows that teachers perceived Game-Based Learning Activities as always practiced with mean of 4.14. They always practicing and promote positive attitude and sense of fairness and sharing towards the students’ mastery. Based on the result, teachers perceived Game-Based Learning Environment as highly-practiced with mean of 4.23. As they go along in teaching their students on various games, the lesson become more enjoyable as they engage them in different games. Based on data gathered and interpreted in Teachers’ Performance, the level of school achievement is Very Good (Mean – 4.19). Based on data gathered and interpreted in Students’ Performance, the level of School Achievement is Excellent (mean – 4.29). Because they became motivated in learning the topics through the use of games. As the result shown on that the correlation of Game-Based Instructional Delivery and School Achievement is significant at the 0.01 level. And this result explained that the relationship among Game-Based Instructional Delivery and School Achievement are significantly related. Thus, the null hypothesis indicates that there is no significant relationship between GameBased Instructional Delivery And School Achievement is rejected.
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