Autor: N. Aksenov, T. Pavlenko, M. Fryziuk
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Problemy radiatsiinoi medytsyny ta radiobiolohii. 24
ISSN: 2313-4607
Popis: to assess the naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) content in industrial waste in Ukraine and assess which industries should be a subject for the regulatory oversight.Sampling and analysis followed the same procedure in all cases. 250 samples were taken in total. High- resolution gamma spectrometry system ORTEK (US) with the high-purity germanium semiconductor detector (HPGe) were used for sample measurements. AMERSHAM (Germany) standard source was used for calibration of the gamma spectrometer. The estimated minimum detected activity for the measurement time of 3600 s was 0.5 Bq/kg for Thorium-232, and Radium-226 and 1.5 Bq/kg for Potassium-40.Industries with the potential NORM content in their waste were approached in this research. 32 enterpris- es were the subject for investigation. It has been established average content of NORM in waste iron ore enterpris- es varies from 210 to 100 Bq/kg, 226Ra - from 14 to 45 Bq/kg, 40K - from 21 to 350 Bq/kg, 232Th - from 5 to 26 Bq/kg and 238U - from 19 to 48 Bq/kg. It was determined the content of NORM in waste is lower than the exemption lev- els. The average concentration of individual radionuclides does not exceed 10-20 Bq/kg. The assessment of the NORM average activity concentration in sludge and waste samples from different spots of the industrial site esti- mated that values may differ as much as 3 times, with average activity of 8,440 Bq/kg for 226Ra, 28,600 Bq/kg for 232Th, 11,000 Bq/kg for 210Pb. The NORM level in pipe sediments and silts of oil exceed the established exemption lev- els and range as follows: 210Pb 3-11 kBq/kg, 226Ra 2.9-8.4 kBq/kg, 232Th 0.8-2.8 kBq/kg, 226U 0.18-6.9 kBq/kg.Monitoring of the NORM levels in wastes has identified the need to establish regulatory control and oversight of the oil industry in the country.Meta: otsinyty vmist pryrodnykh radionuklidiv (PRN) u promyslovykh vidkhodakh i vyznachyty, iaki galuzi natsional'- noï promyslovosti pidpadaiut' pid reguliatornyy̆ kontrol'.Ob’iekt i metody. Vidbir zrazkiv ta ïkh analiz provedeno za iedynymy protokolamy. Vs'ogo doslidzheno 250 zraz- kiv. Dlia vymiriuvan' vmistu pryrodnykh radionuklidiv (PRN) vykorystovuvaly gamma-spektrometrychnu systemu ORTES (SShA) z napivprovidnykovym detektorom z vysokochystogo germaniiu (HPGe). Rozrakhunkova minimal'na de- tektovana aktyvnist' dlia chasu vymiriuvannia 3600 s sklala 0,5 Bk/kg dlia 226Ra i 232Th ta 1,5 Bk/kg dlia 40K. Rezul'taty. Obstezheno 32 pidpryiemstva (250 zrazkiv) riznykh galuzey̆ vydobutku ta pererobky korysnykh kopa- lyn. Vstanovleno radionuklidnyy̆ sklad vidkhodiv zalizorudnykh pidpryiemstv, pidpryiemstv kol'orovoï meta- lurgiï ta naftogazovoï industriï. Vstanovleno, shcho seredniy̆ vmist PRN u vidkhodakh zalizorudnykh pidpryiemstv variiuie dlia 210Pb vid 70 do 96 Bk/kg, 226Ra – vid 14 do 45 Bk/kg, 40K – vid 21 do 350 Bk/kg, 232Th – vid 5 do 26 Bk/kg i 238U – vid 19 do 48 Bk/kg. Vyznacheno, shcho v metalurgiy̆niy̆ promyslovosti vmist PRN u vidkhodakh nyzhche rivnia zvil'- nennia vid reguliatornogo kontroliu. Seredni kontsentratsiï okremykh radionuklidiv ne perevyshchuiut' 10–20 Bk/kg. Maksymal'ni aktyvnosti PRN zafiksovani u naftovydobuvniy̆ promyslovosti. Vstanovleno, shcho seredni kontse- ntratsiï PRN u zrazkakh shlamiv mozhut' vidrizniatysia v try razy. Seredni aktyvnosti PRN sklaly 8440 Bk/kg dlia 226Ra, 28 600 Bk/kg – dlia 232Th, 11 000 Bk/kg – dlia 210Pb. Vstanovleno, shcho vmist PRN u vidkladenniakh trub lezhyt' v diapazoni dlia 210Pb vid 3 do 11 kBk/kg, 226Ra – vid 2,9 do 8,4 kBk/kg, 232Th – vid 0,8 do 2,8 kBk/kg, 238U – vid 0,18 do 6,9 kBk/kg.Vysnovky. Doslidzhennia kontsentratsiy̆ pryrodnykh radionuklidiv u vidkhodakh vyiavyly neobkhidnist' zaprovadzhen- nia reguliatornogo kontroliu i naftopererobnoï promyslovostey̆.
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