Human strabismus: evaluation of the interhemispheric transmission time and hemiretinal differences using a reaction time task

Autor: Franco Lepore, Pierre Lachapelle, Robert C. Polomeno, Jean-Yves Frigon, Marie-Sylvie Roy
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: Europe PubMed Central
ISSN: 0166-4328
Popis: Experimentally induced strabismus in visually immature cats leads to abnormal development of the posterior corpus callosum. This, in turn, should lead to abnormal interhemispheric integration of unilaterally presented visual information. To test whether strabismus produces deficits in the human commissural visual system, the interhemispheric transmission time (ITT) was compared in strabismic and normal subjects. Simple unimanual reaction times (RT) were tested in 30 subjects in response to a lateralized target presented monocularly at 4 degrees and 35 degrees nasally and temporally from the fovea along the horizontal meridian. This method was also used to examine the effect of strabismus on the central and peripheral portions of each hemiretina. The results showed that in strabismic subjects with or without amblyopia, the ITT did not differ significantly from normals at both eccentricities. In non-amblyopic strabismic patients, RTs in the central and peripheral portions of hemiretina were comparable to normals. However, a reduced speed of response was found in the central visual field (4 degrees) in the amblyopic eye. Our results suggest that the ITT is normal in strabismic subjects and that the longer RTs in the central portion of the nasal and temporal hemiretina of the amblyopic eye may be associated with the severe amblyopic condition.
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