The Long Bone Deformity of Osteogenesis Imperfecta III: Analysis of Structural Changes Carried Out with Scanning Electron Microscopic Morphometry

Autor: Pier Carlo Brunelli, Anna Benetti, Terenzio Congiu, Luigi Magnano, Ugo E. Pazzaglia
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Calcified Tissue International. 93:453-461
ISSN: 1432-0827
Popis: The wedges of the mid-diaphyseal osteotomies carried out to correct the femoral and/or tibial native deformity in type III osteogenesis imperfecta (OI III) were used to study the remodeling patterns and lamellar organization at the level of the major deformity. Histology and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) morphology showed abnormal cortical remodeling characterized by the failure to form a cylinder of compact bone with a regular marrow canal. Atypical, flattened, and large resorption lacunae with a wide resorption front on one side and systems of parallel lamellae on the opposite side were observed, resembling those formerly reported as drifting osteons. SEM morphometry documented a higher percentage of nonossified vascular/resorption area (44.3 %) in OI than in controls (13.6 %), a lower density of secondary osteons, and lower values for the parameters expressing the individual osteon size. The mean osteon total area, the mean central canal area, and the mean osteon bone area of two selected, randomized populations of secondary osteons were significantly higher (p
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