Additional file 2 of Age and sex-associated variation in the multi-site microbiome of an entire social group of free-ranging rhesus macaques

Autor: Janiak, Mareike C., Montague, Michael J., Villamil, Catalina I., Stock, Michala K., Trujillo, Amber E., DePasquale, Allegra N., Orkin, Joseph D., Surratt, Samuel E. Bauman, Gonzalez, Olga, Platt, Michael L., Melween I. Martínez, Antón, Susan C., Dominguez-Bello, Maria Gloria, Melin, Amanda D., Higham, James P.
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.14267020.v1
Popis: Additional file 1: Table S1. Pairwise adonis results – rectal. Table S2. Pairwise adonis results – oral. Table S3. Pairwise adonis results – penile. Table S4. Top ten genera in rectum, oral cavity, penis, and vagina. Table S5. Full results of DESeq2 analysis of differential expression between age groups. Table S6. Pairwise adonis results - predicted functional features in rectal community. Table S7. Pairwise adonis results - predicted functional features in oral community. Table S8. Pairwise adonis results - predicted functional features in penile community. Figure S1. Alpha-diversity (Shannon Index) of macaque (a) rectal, (b) oral, (c) penile, and (d) vaginal microbiomes across age groups. Figure S2. Alpha-diversity (Shannon Index) of the (a) rectal, (b) oral, and (c) genital microbiomes of males and females. Figure S3. Differences in alpha-diversity (Shannon Index) in the (a) rectal, (b) oral, (c) penile, and (d) vaginal microbiomes of macaques younger than 15 years or 15 years and older. Figure S4. Beta-diversity of genital samples by sex. Bray-Curtis dissimilarity ordinated with non metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) shows clear separation of male and female genital samples. Figure S5. Differences in relative abundance of top ten genera (a) across all age groups in rectal and (b) oral communities, and between macaques ≥15 years old and
Databáze: OpenAIRE