Understanding bowtie nanoantennas excited by a localized emitter

Autor: Miguel Beruete, Yu Luo, Miguel Navarro-Cia, Antonio I. Fernández-Domínguez, Victor Pacheco-Peña
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: International Symposium of IEEE-Antennas-and-Propagation-Society / USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting
DOI: 10.1109/apusncursinrsm.2017.8072389
Popis: A full analytical description of a bowtie nanoantenna excited by a localized emitter is presented using the transformation electromagnetic technique. By applying the conformal mapping, the bowtie nanoantenna is transformed into a periodic multi-parallel plate transmission line problem which can be easily evaluated analytically providing physical insight of the coupling between the dipole nanoemitter and the bowtie nanoantenna. The non-radiative Purcell enhancement spectrum is evaluated both analytically and numerically for different lengths, arm angles and metals, demonstrating a good agreement between both approaches. The method here presented fills the gap of the design techniques for optical nanoantennas.
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