Design of the SSC linac

Autor: G.H. Neuschaefer, G. Leifete, C. Chang, Robert W. Garnett, R. Bhandari, S. Nath, L.M. Young, J. Watson, D. Raparia, R. Cutler, T.S. Bhatia, L. W. Funk
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
Popis: The preliminary design of the 600-MeV H/sup -/ linac for the Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) injector is described. The linac must provide a 25-mA beam during 7-35 mu s macropulses at 10 Hz within injection bursts. Normalized transverse emittances of less than 0.4 pi mm-mrad (RMS) are required for injection into the low Energy Booster (LEB) synchrotron. Cost, ease of commissioning, and operational reliability are important considerations. The linac will consist of an H/sup -/ source with electrostatic low-energy beam transport (LEBT), a 2.5-MeV radiofrequency quadrupole (RFQ) accelerator, a 70-MeV drift-tube linac (DTL), and 530 MeV of coupled-cavity linac (CCL). The RFQ and DTL operate at 428 MHz and the CCL operates at 1284 MHz. A modest total length of 143 m results from the tradeoff between cost optimization and reliability. >
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