Rapid pKa estimation using vacuum‐assisted multiplexed capillary electrophoresis (VAMCE) with ultraviolet detection

Autor: Kenneth R. Wehmeyer, Yingkun Jin, William R. Heineman, Jeremy R. Kenseth, Mark Edward Stella, Caixia Zhou
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 94:576-589
ISSN: 0022-3549
Popis: A rapid approach for estimating the pK(a) value of small organic molecules was developed using vacuum-assisted multiplexed capillary electrophoresis (VAMCE) with ultraviolet detection. The VAMCE method employed a 96-capillary array, arranged in a standard 8 x 12 microtiter plate configuration, with each row of capillaries filled with 12 individual running buffers of equal ionic strength (I = 50 mM) covering a pH range from 2.2 to 10.7. A separate compound was injected hydrodynamically into each row of capillaries allowing the estimation of pK(a) values for eight compounds in a single run. The application of a vacuum during the separation generated a bulk fluid flow and allowed the electrophoretic separation to be completed within 5 min. The complete VAMCE method, conditioning, and electrophoretic separation was optimized to allow the pK(a) estimation for between 128 to 168 compounds in an 8-h period. The VAMCE method provided a reliable approach for estimating pK(a) values both within- and between-day. The pK(a) values for a series of 96 compounds estimated by VAMCE agreed well with some of literature pK(a) values with an average absolute difference of 0.22 log units.
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