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A search among the documents produced by the Fidecommisseria Giustiniani between the 17th and 19th centuries, and other notary deeds, allows us to acquire data and information on the four marble busts now located in the atrium of the Giustiniani Palace in Genoa (Palazzo Marc’Antonio Giustiniani, piazza Giustiniani, civ. 6) representing famous members of the Roman branch of the Giustiniani family, or better to say albergo Giustiniani. The documentation identified allows us to know the autors, commissioners and chronology of these sculptures, retracing the events that involved them in the different environments where they have been placed over time, and miraculously preserved. The busts are also somehow linked to the Galleria Giustiniana, the famous engravings collection of Vincenzo Giustiniani’s ancient marbles, whose plates engraved arrived in Genoa probably after his death and were subsequently kept in the archive inside the Loggia and used for the troubled reprint of the Galleria at 1757. The marble fountain located inside the hall of the palace is also worth of further investigations: the statue of Putto su delfino comes straightly from one of the Galleria Giustiniana engravings and had been commissioned by Marc’Antonio Giustiniani (1650-1725), while the author is still to be determined. |