The neuroendocrine products of intestinal carcinoids. An immunoperoxidase study of 35 carcinoid tumors stained for serotonin and eight polypeptide hormones

Autor: Lorna Cheng, Thomas Ulich, Kan Yang, Klaus J. Lewin
Rok vydání: 1983
Zdroj: Cancer. 51:1918-1926
ISSN: 1097-0142
Popis: The intestinal carcinoid tumors of 26 patients were stained for the presence of serotonin, gastrin, somatostatin, motilin, secretin, glucagon, pancreatic polypeptide, ACTH, and neurotensin. Argentaffin and argyrophil stains were also performed in all cases. Thirty-five separate tumors (counting metastases and multiple primaries) from the 26 patients were studied. Serotonin was present in 30 of the 35 tumors. Nineteen tumors contained serotonin only. Fourteen tumors contained multiple neuroendocrine products. One tumor contained gastrin only. One tumor did not stain immunohistochemically, but was argyrophilic. Metastatic deposits were studied in nine patients. Some metastases produced the identical neuroendocrine products as the primary tumor, whereas others produced either additional or fewer hormones than the primary tumor. Moreover, different metastases from the same primary tumor were observed to produce different hormones. Argyrophilic cells were present in all cases and were much more numerous than cells staining by immunohistochemistry. Argyrophilic cells probably contain monoamines and polypeptide hormones in addition to those studied in this series. The argyrophil stain was the best general stain in this study for the demonstration of neuroendocrine cells. Argentaffin staining was negative in ten cases that were serotonin positive and two argentaffin positive cases were serotonin negative. The carcinoid syndrome, as clinically defined by the presence of flushing and diarrhea, was noted in five patients, all of whom had serotonin-containing small bowel carcinoids. Endocrine-related symptoms were not clinically appreciated in the remaining patients.
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