The Drug Tariff

Autor: Jonathan Fisher, Jonathan Merrills
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Pharmacy Law and Practice, Third Edition
DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-12-394289-0.00004-7
Popis: The “Drug Tariff (DT)” contains a list of drug prices; detailed information on appliances; sets the standards of and payments for drugs and appliances; and details of what can and cannot be prescribed on NHS prescriptions, and by which the class of practitioner—that is doctor, dentist, or nurse—can be categorized. Separate tariffs are produced for England and Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. The DT is produced on a monthly basis and the amendments for the month are listed in the preface. Amendments, including prices, come into effect on the date specified, regardless of whether the DT has been received by the pharmacist and regardless of whether the particular amendment has actually been printed in the DT. The intention of endorsement is to ensure that the Pricing Authority has sufficient information to price accurately. The principle is that as far as possible, the actual price paid by the pharmacist is paid by the National Health Service (NHS). Drugs or medicines included in Schedule 2 may only be supplied when the prescription bears the endorsement “SLS” inserted by the prescriber. Additionally, the conditions referred to in the Schedule must be complied with although the pharmacist is under no obligation to verify these.
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