Translations in quantum groups

Autor: Alexandru Chirvasitu
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Banach Center Publications. 120:151-160
ISSN: 1730-6299
Popis: Let $H$ be the Hopf $C^*$-algebra of continuous functions on a (locally) compact quantum group of either reduced or full type. We show that endomorphisms of $H$ that respect its right regular comodule structure are translations by elements of largest classical subgroup of $G$. Furthermore, we show that for compact $G$ such an endomorphism is automatically an automorphism regardless of the quantum group norm on the $C^*$-algebra $H$; this answers a question of Piotr M. Hajac.
Comment: 8 pages + references; changes reflecting referee suggestions: proof of Theorem 2.13 changed so as to appeal to reference [6]
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