International variation in programmes for assessment of children’s neurodevelopment in the community: understanding disparate approaches to evaluation of motor, social, emotional, behavioural and cognitive function

Autor: Merethe Kirstine Kousgaard Andersen, Merja Hietanen, Marjukka Mäkelä, Kirsten Lykke, Ruth Kirk Ertmann, Aleksi Varinen, Eirik Abildsnes, Anette Hauskov Graungaard, Ole Rikard Haavet, Rachael Wood, Mina P. Dahli, Philip Wilson, Per Lagerløv
Přispěvatelé: Lääketieteen ja biotieteiden tiedekunta - Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences, Tampere University
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Program evaluation
health surveillance
Applied psychology
Child Behavior
primary (health) care
Nervous System
Unit (housing)
Social Skills
03 medical and health sciences
0302 clinical medicine
Child Development
Social skills
organisation of care
030225 pediatrics
Mass Screening
Terveystiede - Health care science
030212 general & internal medicine
Motor skill
Mass screening
child development
general practice
Public Health
Environmental and Occupational Health

General Medicine
Naisten- ja lastentaudit - Gynaecology and paediatrics
Child development
well-child checks
Oikeuslääketiede ja muut lääketieteet - Forensic science and other medical sciences
Variation (linguistics)
Motor Skills

Population Surveillance
community nurse
Program Evaluation
Zdroj: Wilson, P, Wood, R, Lykke, K, Graungaard, A, Ertmann, R, Andersen, M, Haavet, O, Lagerlov, P, Abildsnes, E, Dahli, M, Makela, M, Varinen, A & Hietanen, M 2018, ' International variation in programmes for assessment of children’s neurodevelopment in the community: understanding disparate approaches to evaluation of motor, social, emotional, behavioural and cognitive function ', Scandinavian Journal of Public Health .
Wilson, P, Wood, R, Lykke, K, Hauskov Graungaard, A, Ertmann, R K, Andersen, M K, Haavet, O R, Lagerløv, P, Abildsnes, E, Dahli, M P, Mäkelä, M, Varinen, A & Hietanen, M 2018, ' International variation in programmes for assessment of children’s neurodevelopment in the community : Understanding disparate approaches to evaluation of motor, social, emotional, behavioural and cognitive function ', Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, vol. 46, no. 8, pp. 805-816 .
Popis: Background: Few areas of medicine demonstrate such international divergence as child development screening and surveillance. Many countries have nationally mandated surveillance policies, but the content of programmes and mechanisms for delivery vary enormously. The cost of programmes is substantial but no economic evaluations have been carried out. We have critically examined the history, underlying philosophy, content and delivery of programmes for child development assessment in five countries with comprehensive publicly funded health services (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Scotland and Sweden). The specific focus of this article is on motor, social, emotional, behavioural and global cognitive functioning including language. Findings: Variations in developmental surveillance programmes are substantially explained by historical factors and gradual evolution although Scotland has undergone radical changes in approach. No elements of universal developmental assessment programmes meet World Health Organization screening criteria, although some assessments are configured as screening activities. The roles of doctors and nurses vary greatly by country as do the timing, content and likely costs of programmes. Inter-professional communication presents challenges to all the studied health services. No programme has evidence for improved health outcomes or cost effectiveness. Conclusions: Developmental surveillance programmes vary greatly and their structure appears to be driven by historical factors as much as by evidence. Consensus should be reached about which surveillance activities constitute screening, and the predictive validity of these components needs to be established and judged against World Health Organization screening criteria. Costs and consequences of specific programmes should be assessed, and the issue of inter-professional communication about children at remediable developmental risk should be prioritised.
Databáze: OpenAIRE