Molecular construction of HIV-gp120 discontinuous epitope mimics by assembly of cyclic peptides on an orthogonal alkyne functionalized TAC-scaffold

Autor: Paul R. Werkhoven, H. C. Quarles van Ufford, T. J. Meuleman, Rob M. J. Liskamp, John A. W. Kruijtzer, M. Elwakiel
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 14(2), 701. Royal Society of Chemistry
ISSN: 1477-0520
Popis: Mimics of discontinuous epitopes of for example bacterial or viral proteins may have considerable potential for the development of synthetic vaccines, especially if conserved epitopes can be mimicked. However, due to the structural complexity and size of discontinuous epitopes molecular construction of these mimics remains challeging. We present here a convergent route for the assembly of discontinuous epitope mimics by successive azide alkyne cycloaddition on an orthogonal alkyne functionalized scaffold. Here the synthesis of mimics of the HIV gp120 discontinuous epitope that interacts with the CD4 receptor is described. The resulting protein mimics are capable of inhibition of the gp120-CD4 interaction. The route is convergent, robust and should be applicable to other discontinuous epitopes.
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