Vertical stiffness asymmetries during drop jumping are related to ankle stiffness asymmetries

Autor: Lewis J. Harvey, Sean J. Maloney, Joanna C. Richards, Daniel G.D. Nixon, Iain M. Fletcher
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Scandinavian journal of medicinescience in sports. 27(6)
ISSN: 1600-0838
Popis: Asymmetry in vertical stiffness has been associated with increased injury incidence and impaired performance. The determinants of vertical stiffness asymmetry have not been previously investigated. Eighteen healthy men performed three unilateral drop jumps during which vertical stiffness and joint stiffness of the ankle and knee were calculated. Reactive strength index was also determined during the jumps using the ratio of flight time to ground contact time. "Moderate" differences in vertical stiffness (t17 = 5.49; P
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