The Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) Mission

Autor: Phillip C. Chamberlin, Nicholas M. Schneider, J. M. Grebowsky, Jean-Yves Chaufray, Jane L. Fox, Robert Lillis, D. D. Carson, W. P. Sidney, David Brain, C. Mazelle, C. L. Waters, C. Gomez-Rosa, O. Cheatom, Robert P. Lin, James P. McFadden, Bruce M. Jakosky, Gregory T. Delory, Janet G. Luhmann, Todd King, D. Toublanc, D. Baird, Paul R. Mahaffy, Xiaohua Fang, Mario H. Acuña, W. K. Peterson, G. Beutelschies, J. Morrissey, Russell A. Howard, William E. McClintock, D. W. Curtis, M. Jarosz, D. L. Mitchell, S. Cauffman, John Clarke, Martin B. Houghton, Robert H. Tolson, François Leblanc, David L. Mitchell, Jean-André Sauvaud, T. Priser, N. Jedrich, S. Demcak, Thomas E. Cravens, Anders Eriksson, M. Johnson, S. Habenicht, David Folta, Jasper Halekas, Wayne Kasprzak, Mehdi Benna, Frank Eparvier, A. I. F. Stewart, M. Kelley, Daniel N. Baker, Richard W. Zurek, Robert E. Ergun, Jared Espley, Stephen W. Bougher, Gregory M. Holsclaw, Franck Montmessin, S. Sparacino, A. DeWolfe, Franck Lefèvre, Mark R. Lankton, John E. P. Connerney, Thomas N. Woods, Davin Larson, Roger V. Yelle, L. Andersson, R. Bartlett, W. Possel
Přispěvatelé: Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics [Boulder] (LASP), University of Colorado [Boulder], Space Sciences Laboratory [Berkeley] (SSL), University of California [Berkeley], University of California-University of California, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Lockheed Martin Corporation, NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC), NASA, Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences [Ann Arbor] (AOSS), University of Michigan [Ann Arbor], University of Michigan System-University of Michigan System, HELIOS - LATMOS, Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales (LATMOS), Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)-Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)-Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Department of Astronomy [Boston], Boston University [Boston] (BU), Department of Physics and Astronomy [Lawrence Kansas], University of Kansas [Lawrence] (KU), Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), NASA-California Institute of Technology (CALTECH), Swedish Institute of Space Physics [Uppsala] (IRF), Department of Physics [Dayton], Wright State University, University of Iowa [Iowa City], GSFC Solar System Exploration Division, PLANETO - LATMOS, Institut de recherche en astrophysique et planétologie (IRAP), Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier (UT3), Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées-Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées-Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées (OMP), Météo France-Centre National d'Études Spatiales [Toulouse] (CNES)-Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Météo France-Centre National d'Études Spatiales [Toulouse] (CNES)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), National Institute of Aerospace [Hampton] (NIA), Lunar and Planetary Laboratory [Tucson] (LPL), University of Arizona, University of California [Berkeley] (UC Berkeley), University of California (UC)-University of California (UC), Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier (UT3), Université de Toulouse (UT)-Université de Toulouse (UT)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées (OMP), Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier (UT3), Université de Toulouse (UT)-Université de Toulouse (UT)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre National d'Études Spatiales [Toulouse] (CNES)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Météo-France -Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre National d'Études Spatiales [Toulouse] (CNES)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Météo-France -Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciences
[SDU.ASTR.EP]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]/Earth and Planetary Astrophysics [astro-ph.EP]
Exploration of Mars
01 natural sciences
0103 physical sciences
Astrophysics::Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
010303 astronomy & astrophysics
Physics::Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics
0105 earth and related environmental sciences
[SDU.ASTR.SR]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]/Solar and Stellar Astrophysics [astro-ph.SR]
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Atmosphere of Mars
Mars Exploration Program
Solar wind
Planetary science
13. Climate action
Space and Planetary Science
Physics::Space Physics
Astrophysics::Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
Solar-wind interactions
Zdroj: Space Science Reviews
Space Science Reviews, Springer Verlag, 2015, 195 (1-4), pp.3-48. ⟨10.1007/s11214-015-0139-x⟩
Space Science Reviews, 2015, 195 (1-4), pp.3-48. ⟨10.1007/s11214-015-0139-x⟩
ISSN: 0038-6308
Popis: International audience; The MAVEN spacecraft launched in November 2013, arrived at Mars in September 2014, and completed commissioning and began its one-Earth-year primary science mission in November 2014. The orbiter’s science objectives are to explore the interactions of the Sun and the solar wind with the Mars magnetosphere and upper atmosphere, to determine the structure of the upper atmosphere and ionosphere and the processes controlling it, to determine the escape rates from the upper atmosphere to space at the present epoch, and to measure properties that allow us to extrapolate these escape rates into the past to determine the total loss of atmospheric gas to space through time. These results will allow us to determine the importance of loss to space in changing the Mars climate and atmosphere through time, thereby providing important boundary conditions on the history of the habitability of Mars. The MAVEN spacecraft contains eight science instruments (with nine sensors) that measure the energy and particle input from the Sun into the Mars upper atmosphere, the response of the upper atmosphere to that input, and the resulting escape of gas to space. In addition, it contains an Electra relay that will allow it to relay commands and data between spacecraft on the surface and Earth.
Databáze: OpenAIRE