Electron microscopy of the tana poxvirus

Autor: Carlos Espana, Mary Ann Brayton, Boris H. Ruebner
Rok vydání: 1971
Zdroj: Experimental and Molecular Pathology. 15:34-42
ISSN: 0014-4800
DOI: 10.1016/0014-4800(71)90017-7
Popis: The fine structure of Tana virus, a poxvirus originally isolated from children in Kenya, has been studied by electron microscopy of infected rhesus embryonic monkey tissue cultures. The intracytoplasmic maturation of the virus has been analyzed and compared with that seen in Yaba-like disease (Y.L.D.), an epidermal pox disease of monkeys. Two types of virus factories have been distinguished, one of which appears to be responsible for formation of nucleoids, the other for virus membranes. Honeycombed crystals, cylindrical tubules, mitochondria in pairs or triplets, and myelin figures were also observed. The nuclei showed areas of decreased electron opacity. The development of Tana virus was identical with that of Y.L.D. virus. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis, based on serologic studies, that Tana poxvirus is identical with Y.L.D. virus but differs from a similar monkey poxvirus, the Yaba tumor virus.
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