CAMPUS Science in Action

Autor: Ciavatta S, Fernand L, Aleynik D, Davidson K, Skakala J, Morales Maqueda M A, Kay S, Grossberg S, Ford D, Rinaldi G, Smyth T, Heard J
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6394568
Popis: The CAMPUS project developed an integrated approach to combine autonomous observing networks and marine ecosystem models. This enabled better understanding of fine-scale marine processes and system variability, thereby demonstrating the utility of a combined observation-modelling system for ecosystem-based management. This document highlights how new science and technologies developed during the project were applied across a range of case studies including: 1) Getting marine ecosystems models used and accepted as evidence at an international level 2) Establishing predictive skill of the spring bloom, 3) A model based early warning tool for advective harmful algal blooms in Scotland, 4) Oxygen depletion in the North West European shelf seas, 5) Integrated network design, cost effective analysis and cost benefit, 6) Distribution and dispersion of marine plastic litter in the North West European Shelf Seas and 7) Extrapolation of CAMPUS research to ODA countries.
Databáze: OpenAIRE