Autor: Senyshyn, Oksana, Kundytskyj, Oleksandr, Mayovets, Yevgen, Horodniak, Iryna, Zhuk, Oksana
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Vadybos mokslas ir studijos-kaimo verslų ir jų infrastruktūros plėtrai [Management theory and studies for rural business and infrastructure development]. 2023, T. 45, Nr. 1, P. 79-93
ISSN: 2345-0355
Popis: It is described in detail in the article the organic potential of European countries and Ukraine through the prism of specific indicators that characterize it. It is determined that the fullest organic potential of any state is revealed through a system of such indicators: land use in organic farming; number of producers of certified organic products; volumes of retail trade in organic products; volumes of exports and imports of organic products; cost of consumption of organic products per person; the largest importers of state organic products, etc. Based on the constructed complex diagram, which systematically characterizes the organic potential of European countries and, in particular, Ukraine through a set of its main indicators, it is proved that: 1) the most powerful European organic leaders in 2019 are: Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. Collectively, the indicators that characterize their organic potential in 2019 reached, compared to other European countries, high leadership positions; 2) according to statistics, it is determined that in 2019 Sweden for the first time after many years of importing organic grains became their exporter - 116 million euros; 3) it is noted that Ukraine in the system of indicators characterizing its organic potential in 2019, among European countries is a pioneer, where the development of organic farming and organic food production is a strategic task of the state over the next few years. After all, the area of organic land in 2019 exceeded 460 thousand hectares, and the volume of exports of organic products in the same year reached the level of 272 million euros with only 470 state producers of certified organic products. The author proposes his own approach to assessing the effectiveness of organic potential in Ukraine through the prism of specific indicators-characteristics, which is generalized into a single integrated indicator - the taxonomy coefficient. The calculations proved the instability of the taxonomic indicator during the study period, which, according to the author, indicates that the state organic potential and system of organic production in Ukraine is at the stage of formation and development. The analysis allows us to conclude that Ukrainian exporters of organic products are forced to solve a number of problems that hinder the intensification of supply of products from our country to the markets of other countries. Keywords: areas of organic lands, organic potential, consumption of organic products per person, organic products, organic production, organic products market, taxonomic analysis.
Databáze: OpenAIRE