An Action Plan to Face the Challenge of Dementia:INTERNATIONAL STATEMENT ON DEMENTIA from IAP for Health

Autor: Whitehead, Victor, Chertkow, H., Hogan, David B., Black, Sandra, Feldman, Howard, Gauthier, Serge, Rockwood, Kenneth, Masellis, Mario, McGilton, Katherine, Tierney, Mary C., Rylett, Jane, Leon, Pascale, Aikins, Ama de-Graft, Ali, Liaquat, Asmal, Laila, Belen, HAYRUNNİSA BOLAY, Priller, Josef, Lannfelt, Lars, Leshner, Alan, Mimica, Ninoslav, Noroozian, Maryam, Ogunniyi, Adesola, Rinne, Juha, Rossini, Aolo Maria, Morales Saute, Jonas Alex, Scheltens, Philip, Stuchlik, Ales, Brayne, Carol
Přispěvatelé: Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Priller, J 2018, ' An Action Plan to Face the Challenge of Dementia : INTERNATIONAL STATEMENT ON DEMENTIA from IAP for Health ', Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease .
The journal of prevention of Alzheimer's disease, vol 5, iss 3
Popis: An international committee set up through the IAP for Healthmet to develop an action plan for dementia. Comprehensiveinternational and national initiatives should move forwardwith calls for action that include increased public awarenessregarding brain health and dementia, support for a broad rangeof dementia research objectives, and investment in nationalhealth care systems to ensure timely competent person-centredcare for individuals with dementia. The elements of suchaction plans should include: 1) Development of national plansincluding assessment of relevant lifecourse risk and protectivefactors; 2) Increased investments in national research programson dementia with approximately 1% of the national annual costof the disease invested; 3) Allocating funds to support a broadrange of biomedical, clinical, and health service and systemsresearch; 4) Institution of risk reduction strategies; 5) Buildingthe required trained workforce (health care workers, teachers,and others) to deal with the dementia crisis; 6) Ensuring that itis possible to live well with dementia; and 7) Ensuring that allhave access to prevention programs, care, and supportive livingenvironments.
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