Evaluation of quality of life and oral health of athletes in combat sportsMücadele sporcularının ağız sağlığı ve yaşam kalitesinin değerlendirilmesi

Autor: Murşit Aksoy, Bahar Odabas Ozgur, Turgay Ozgur, Ata Bora Başar, Arda Öztürk
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Journal of Human Sciences; Vol 13, No 3 (2016); 5434-5442
Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi; Vol 13, No 3 (2016); 5434-5442
ISSN: 2458-9489
Popis: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the oral health and quality of life of athletes in combat sports. 68 elite athletes consisting of 18 men and 50 women (Age =18,63±3,61) participated in the study. Data obtained in this research were collected on 15.03.2016. The population of the research consists of elite active combat athletes in Marmara region Turkey. five-point Likert type Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) and General Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI) applied to participants. The scales have subsections as Functional Limitations, pain and discomfort, psychologic factors and behavioral factors. “How do you describe your oral and dental health?” multiple choice question has been asked to understand the subjects’ perception on their oral and dental health. Also “How often do you brush your teeth?” multiple choice question has been asked to understand the subjects’ teeth brushing habit. Pearson Correlation test, Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskall Wallis test in IBM SPSS 20 Software was used to analyze the statistical data. OHIP-14 and GOHAI scores were determined as 26,80±5,93 and 20,61±5,40. There was a positively strong significant correlation between each OHIP-14 and GOHAI scores. There was a positively strong significant correlation between both scores and variables of self-reported oral health status and tooth brushing habit. No significant difference was found between OHIP-14 and GOHAI scores in education or gender variables. As a result, athletes did not report any serious oral health problems. Participants mostly evaluated their oral health as “fine”. The correlation between scales shows that both scales useful to get information about oral health status and oral health related quality of life. Ozet Bu calismanin amaci, mucadele sporcularinin agiz sagligi ve yasam kalitelerini degerlendirmektir. Arastirma grubunu 18’i erkek 50’si kadin 68 elit sporcu (Yas =18,63±3,61) olusturdu. 15.03.2016 tarihinde verilerin toplanmaya baslandi. Bu calismadaki veriler anket yontemi ile toplandi. Calismasinin evrenini Turkiye’nin Marmara bolgesinde aktif spor yapan elit mucadele sporculari olusturdu. Calismamiza katilan sporculara 5 nokta Likert tipi Agiz Sagligi Etkilenme Profili (OHIP-14) ve Genel Agiz Sagligi Degerlendirme Indeksi (GOHAI) anketleri uygulandi. Anketler; fonksiyonel limitasyon, agri ve rahatsizlik, psikolojik etkenler ve davranissal etkiler alt bolumlerine sahiptir. Ayrica sporcularin agiz ve dis sagliklarini nasil algiladiklarini degerlendirmek icin, “Agiz ve Diseti Sagliginizi nasil tanimlarsiniz?” coktan secmeli sorusu yoneltildi. Sporcularin dis fircalama aliskanligi ve sikligi hakkinda bilgi almak icin “Dis fircalar misiniz?” sorusu soruldu ve coktan secmeli bir cevap istendi. IBM SPSS Statistics 20 Paket programi kullanilarak Pearson Correlation, Kruskall Wallis ve Mann-Witney U testleri ile analizler gerceklestirildi. OHIP-14 ve GOHAI puan ortalamalari sirasiyla 26,808±5,930 ve 20,617±5,406 olarak tespit edildi. OHIP-14 ve GOHAI skorlari arasinda pozitif guclu ve istatistiksel olarak anlamli korelasyon bulundu. OHIP-14 ve GOHAI skorlari ile katilimcilarin kendi agiz sagligini tanimlamalari ve dis fircalama aliskanliklari arasinda pozitif guclu ve istatistiksel olarak anlamli korelasyon bulundu. Ayrica, sporcularin egitim ve cinsiyet degiskenine gore OHIP-14 ve GOHAI puanlarinda anlamli fark tespit edilmedi. Bu arastirmanin sonucunda sporcular, agiz sagliklarina iliskin ciddi bir sorun bildirmediler. Elde edilen skorlar sporcularin agiz sagligi ile iliskili yasam kalitelerinin “iyi” oldugunu gosterdi. Iki olcek skorlari arasindaki pozitif guclu ve istatistiksel olarak anlamli korelasyon her iki olcegin de sporcularda agiz sagligi ve agiz sagligi ile iliskili yasam kalitesi degerlendirilmesinde ayri ayri kullanilabilir oldugunu gosterdi.
Databáze: OpenAIRE