Laser induced rotation of trapped chiral and achiral nematic droplets

Autor: Marjan Mosallaeipour, Sharath Ananthamurthy, N. V. Madhusudana, Yashodhan Hatwalne
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Journal of Modern Optics. 57:395-399
ISSN: 1362-3044
Popis: We study the response of optically trapped achiral and chiralised nematic liquid crystal droplets to linear as well as circular polarised light. We find that there is internal dissipation in rotating achiral nematic droplets trapped in glycerine. We also demonstrate that some chiralised droplets rotate under linearly polarised light. The best fit to our data on chiralised droplets indicates that rotational frequency of these droplets with radius R is approximately proportional to1/R^2, rather than to 1/R^3.
15 pages, 6 figures
Databáze: OpenAIRE