Pastoral Counseling Training: Training Goals in a Changing Environment

Autor: Jr. James E. Hightower
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling: Advancing theory and professional practice through scholarly and reflective publications. 56:243-254
ISSN: 2167-776X
Popis: Pastoral counseling training is redefining itself in a changing environment. Theological education and ordination and church relatedness once was the crucible that shaped pastoral counselors. Today that formation process is being redefined as an increasing number of non-theologically trained students who are not seeking ordination come to increasingly fewer pastoral counseling training programs for formation in integrating spirituality and psychotherapy. This article outlines a statement of who an ideal intern would be in one pastoral counseling training program, lists fourteen goals of the training program along with the method of achievement, and who in the training program is responsible to see that the goals are accomplished.
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