Predicting the risk of locoregional recurrence after early breast cancer: an external validation of the Dutch INFLUENCE‑nomogram with clinical cancer registry data from Germany

Autor: Völkel, V, Draeger, T, Gerken, M, Groothuis-Oudshoorn, CGM, Klinkhammer-Schalke, M, Siesling, S
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: 18. Deutscher Kongress für Versorgungsforschung (DKVF); 20191009-20191011; Berlin; DOC19dkvf328 /20191002/
DOI: 10.3205/19dkvf328
Popis: Background: Breast cancer is the most frequent malignancy among the female population. The survival rates of breast cancer patients have been increasing considerably during the past decades. Regular follow-up after breast cancer treatment aims for an early detection of locoregional breast cancer recurrences[for full text, please go to the a.m. URL]
18. Deutscher Kongress für Versorgungsforschung (DKVF)
Databáze: OpenAIRE