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Additional file 8: File format: Microsoft Word .docx file. Title: Significant cis expression quantitative loci (eQTLs) for candidate genes within 3q13.11 region of interest. Description: Evidence that genotypes at a marker are associated with gene expression values. Results are filtered to only include those with false discovery rate < 0.05. Data are stored in the Synapse repository, Synapse ID: syn17015233, https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn17015233 . Legend: Chr = chromosome, Position = GRCh37 position of the variant on chromosome 3, Z = Z statistic, FDR = false discovery rate, β = estimated effect size, A1 = allele 1, A2 = allele 2, A2freq = observed frequency of the A2 allele, Aup = allele associated with increased expression of the gene. |