Thirteenth Siveryanski Social-Psychological Readings. Proceedings of International Scientific online Conference

Autor: Drozdov Oleksandr Yuriovich
Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7573791
Popis: The collection contains the proceedings of the International scientific conference "XIII Siveryanski social-psychological readings" (November 25, 2022, Chernihiv). The first volume is dedicated to actual problems of modern fundamental and applied psychology. It is addressed to scientists, teachers of higher education institutions, practical psychologists, students and postgraduates.
{"references":["Thirteenth Siveryanski Social-Psychological Readings. Proceedings of International Scientific online Conference (25th November, 2022, Chernihiv) / Ed. by O. Yu. Drozdov. Chernihiv: T.H. Shevchenka NUChC, 2023. Vol. 1. Psychology. 185 p."]}
Databáze: OpenAIRE