Action potential conduction in the terminal arborisation of nociceptive C-fibre afferents

Autor: C, Weidner, R, Schmidt, M, Schmelz, H E, Torebjork, H O, Handwerker
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: The Journal of Physiology. 547:931-940
ISSN: 0022-3751
Popis: Recordings of single human peroneal C-fibres and rat saphenous C-fibres confirm two different patterns of conduction at branching points. In general, an action potential (AP) arising from one terminal branch may be propagated not only centrally, but also antidromically into the other branches of the terminal arborisation. If a stimulus activates several converging branches of one unit, at each branching point only the AP arriving first from the simultaneously activated daughter branches will be propagated centrally, resetting the slower branches. However, occasionally a single electrical stimulus may evoke a double response in the parent axon. In this case, these two responses apparently originate from different terminal branches and require unidirectional conduction block to prevent the faster AP from invading and resetting the slower-conducting terminal. This conclusion is supported by the notion that when such a double response occurs, both responses immediately show additional activity-dependent slowing of the conduction velocity due to frequency increase in the parent axon (two spikes per stimulus, one from each of the two excited branches). A comparable discharge pattern in the stem axon can be induced by repetitive paired stimulation of one terminal branch. Then the slowing is induced by the doubled frequency along the whole nerve fibre including the terminal branch. Since in this case not only the stem axon, but also the terminal branches carry two spikes per pulse, activity-dependent slowing is predictably more pronounced. Unidirectional block thus provides insight into the differential amount of activity-dependent slowing (and hence postexcitatory hyperpolarisation) in the stem axon and terminal branches of cutaneous C-fibres. This comparison reveals that more than two-thirds of the slowing can be attributed to the terminal branches, since it is two- to fourfold that observed during double stimulation as compared with the unidirectional block condition. This indicates that the terminal branches are equipped with membrane proteins that are different from those of the parent axon.
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