The many faces of RNA-based RNase P, an RNA-world relic

Autor: Hong-Duc Phan, Venkat Gopalan, Walter J. Zahurancik, Lien B. Lai
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Trends Biochem Sci
Popis: RNase P is an essential enzyme that catalyzes removal of the 5′ leader from precursor transfer RNAs. The ribonucleoprotein (RNP) form of RNase P is present in all domains of life and comprises a single catalytic RNA (ribozyme) and a variable number of protein cofactors. Recent cryo-electron microscopy structures of representative archaeal and eukaryotic (nuclear) RNase P holoenzymes bound to tRNA substrate/product provide high-resolution detail on subunit organization, topology, and substrate recognition in these large, multi-subunit catalytic RNPs. These structures point to the challenges in understanding how proteins modulate the RNA functional repertoire and how the structure of an ancient RNA-based catalyst was re-shaped during evolution by new macromolecular associations that were likely necessitated by functional/regulatory coupling.
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