Extreme marginal donor: severe hypothermia as a rare preservation condition for explantable organs--a case report

Autor: Francesco D'Amico, I Tiberio, Francesco Antonio Ciarleglio, B.D.F D’Amico, Cesare Ruffolo, Alessandro Vitale, U. Cillo, Patrizia Boccagni, Marco Senzolo, Marco Bassanello, Giacomo Zanus, Paolo Feltracco, Alberto Brolese
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Transplantation proceedings. 35(4)
ISSN: 0041-1345
Popis: The progressive increase in patients with end stage liver disease has lengthend the waiting- list for liver transplantation. Unfortunately this has not been followed by a suitable increase in the number of donors. The expanding “donor pool” has required use of “marginal” donors (ICU stay > 10 days, sepsi; steatosis > 30–40%, hypernatremia > 155 mmol/L, inotropic drugs). We report the case of a skier who remained for more than 1 hour in cardio-respiratory arrest under the snow; the 49-year-old women was extracted from the snow after 1 hour and 12 minutes and found to be asystolic, fixed pupils and deep hypothermia (27.2°C). After cardiopulmonary resuscitation, partial cardio-respiratory activity was re-established. In the ICU severe hypothermia (26.7°C) was treated with extracorporeal circulation until a re-establishment of satisfactory cardio-circulatory conditions was obtained. Unfortunately cerebral anoxic cerebral death was established and multiorgan procurement performed 3 days later. After liver transplantation into a 59 year-old patient with PNC–C was performed. The course was uneventful and the patient was discharged on the 19th postoperative day. Conclusions Organ procurement from donors involved in accidental traumatic events with cardio-respiratory arrest and hypothermia, is similar to the non-heart-beating donor (NHBD) condition. Correct cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of extracorporeal circulation for gradual restoration of body temperature are necessary for optimal organ perfusion. In the present case the anoxic insult induced by the cessation of the cardio-respiratory function, was probably mitigated (if not even annulled) by the hypothermia.
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