Los medicamentos genéricos y algunos de los problemas para su implantación en España

Autor: A. Aguyé Batista, R. Azagra Ledesma
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Aten Primaria
ISSN: 0212-6567
Popis: To estimate the percentage of patients who change from current medication to generic medicine once properly informed.Observational, cross-sectional.Setting. Two primary care clinics in Madrid, one rural and the other urban.Participants. Patients who came for their consultation and who take prescribed drugs which have generic alternatives.All patients included received a standard 40 second verbal explanation about generics. Later, the researcher filled out a 18 items test. A descriptive analysis was done taking into account frequencies and applying a bivariable analysis comparing the variableaccepted changewith the others.71% of the patients accepted the change to generic medicine, 29% did not. Of the latter, 67.4% said that they preferred to consult with the prescribing physician; 45.1% were of the opinion that it would not have the same effect; a 16.1% said that if it was cheaper, it must be of a worse quality; and another 16.1% said that they would only accept the change if it meant saving some money.The researcher perceived distress and discomfort in 23.4% of the patients. He himself felt satisfied in 83.9% of the cases, indifferent in 12.9% and unsatisfied in 3.2%.Providing the adequate information and letting the patients decide for themselves about the substitution of brand for generic drugs resulted in almost three quarters of the cases opting for the change. And this with a minimal professional effort and the added benefit of improving the patient-practioner relationship.
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