Measurement of Rb Using a Vertex Mass Tag

Autor: K. Abe, T. Akagi, N. J. Allen, W. W. Ash, D. Aston, K. G. Baird, C. Baltay, H. R. Band, M. B. Barakat, G. Baranko, O. Bardon, T. L. Barklow, G. L. Bashindzhagyan, A. O. Bazarko, R. Ben-David, A. C. Benvenuti, G. M. Bilei, D. Bisello, G. Blaylock, J. R. Bogart, B. Bolen, T. Bolton, G. R. Bower, J. E. Brau, M. Breidenbach, W. M. Bugg, D. Burke, T. H. Burnett, P. N. Burrows, W. Busza, A. Calcaterra, D. O. Caldwell, D. Calloway, B. Camanzi, M. Carpinelli, R. Cassell, R. Castaldi, A. Castro, M. Cavalli-Sforza, A. Chou, E. Church, H. O. Cohn, J. A. Coller, V. Cook, R. Cotton, R. F. Cowan, D. G. Coyne, G. Crawford, A. D'Oliveira, C. J. S. Damerell, M. Daoudi, N. de Groot, R. De Sangro, R. Dell'Orso, P. J. Dervan, M. Dima, D. N. Dong, P. Y. C. Du, R. Dubois, B. I. Eisenstein, R. Elia, E. Etzion, S. Fahey, D. Falciai, C. Fan, J. P. Fernandez, M. J. Fero, R. Frey, T. Gillman, G. Gladding, S. Gonzalez, E. L. Hart, J. L. Harton, A. Hasan, Y. Hasegawa, K. Hasuko, S. J. Hedges, S. S. Hertzbach, M. D. Hildreth, J. Huber, M. E. Huffer, E. W. Hughes, H. Hwang, Y. Iwasaki, D. J. Jackson, P. Jacques, J. A. Jaros, Z. Y. Jiang, A. S. Johnson, J. R. Johnson, R. A. Johnson, T. Junk, R. Kajikawa, M. Kalelkar, H. J. Kang, I. Karliner, H. Kawahara, H. W. Kendall, Y. D. Kim, M. E. King, R. King, R. R. Kofler, N. M. Krishna, R. S. Kroeger, J. F. Labs, M. Langston, A. Lath, J. A. Lauber, D. W. G. S. Leith, V. Lia, M. X. Liu, X. Liu, M. Loreti, A. Lu, H. L. Lynch, J. Ma, G. Mancinelli, S. Manly, G. Mantovani, T. W. Markiewicz, T. Maruyama, H. Masuda, E. Mazzucato, A. K. McKemey, B. T. Meadows, R. Messner, P. M. Mockett, K. C. Moffeit, T. B. Moore, D. Muller, T. Nagamine, S. Narita, U. Nauenberg, H. Neal, M. Nussbaum, Y. Ohnishi, N. Oishi, D. Onoprienko, L. S. Osborne, R. S. Panvini, C. H. Park, H. Park, T. J. Pavel, I. Peruzzi, M. Piccolo, L. Piemontese, E. Pieroni, K. T. Pitts, R. J. Plano, R. Prepost, C. Y. Prescott, G. D. Punkar, J. Quigley, B. N. Ratcliff, T. W. Reeves, J. Reidy, P. L. Reinertsen, P. E. Rensing, L. S. Rochester, P. C. Rowson, J. J. Russell, O. H. Saxton, T. Schalk, R. H. Schindler, B. A. Schumm, J. Schwiening, S. Sen, V. V. Serbo, M. H. Shaevitz, J. T. Shank, G. Shapiro, D. J. Sherden, K. D. Shmakov, C. Simopoulos, N. B. Sinev, S. R. Smith, M. B. Smy, J. A. Snyder, H. Staengle, P. Stamer, H. Steiner, R. Steiner, M. G. Strauss, D. Su, F. Suekane, A. Sugiyama, S. Suzuki, M. Swartz, A. Szumilo, T. Takahashi, F. E. Taylor, E. Torrence, A. I. Trandafir, J. D. Turk, T. Usher, J. Va'vra, C. Vannini, E. Vella, J. P. Venuti, R. Verdier, P. G. Verdini, D. L. Wagner, S. R. Wagner, A. P. Waite, S. J. Watts, A. W. Weidemann, E. R. Weiss, J. S. Whitaker, S. L. White, F. J. Wickens, D. C. Williams, S. H. Williams, S. Willocq, R. J. Wilson, W. J. Wisniewski, M. Woods, G. B. Word, J. Wyss, R. K. Yamamoto, J. M. Yamartino, X. Yang, J. Yashima, S. J. Yellin, C. C. Young, H. Yuta, G. Zapalac, R. W. Zdarko, J. Zhou
Přispěvatelé: Abe, K, Akagi, T, Allen, N, Ash, W, Aston, D, Baird, K, Baltay, C, Band, H, Barakat, M, Baranko, G, Bardon, O, Barklow, T, Bashindzhagyan, G, Bazarko, A, Ben David, R, Benvenuti, A, Bilei, G, Bisello, D, Blaylock, G, Bogart, J, Bolen, B, Bolton, T, Bower, G, Brau, J, Breidenbach, M, Bugg, W, Burke, D, Burnett, T, Burrows, P, Busza, W, Calcaterra, A, Caldwell, D, Calloway, D, Camanzi, B, Carpinelli, M, Cassell, R, Castaldi, R, Castro, A, Cavalli Sforza, M, Chou, A, Church, E, Cohn, H, Coller, J, Cook, V, Cotton, R, Cowan, R, Coyne, D, Crawford, G, D'Oliveira, A, Damerell, C, Daoudi, M, de Groot, N, De Sangro, R, Dell'Orso, R, Dervan, P, Dima, M, Dong, D, Du, P, Dubois, R, Eisenstein, B, Elia, R, Etzion, E, Fahey, S, Falciai, D, Fan, C, Fernandez, J, Faro, M, Frey, R, Gillman, T, Gladding, G, Gonzalez, S, Hart, E, Harton, J, Hasan, A, Hasegawa, Y, Hasuko, K, Hedges, S, Hertzbach, S, Hildreth, M, Huber, J, Huffer, M, Hughes, E, Hwang, H, Iwasaki, Y, Jackson, D, Jacques, P, Jaros, J, Jiang, Z, Johnson, A, Johnson, J, Johnson, R, Junk, T, Kajikawa, R, Kalelkar, M, Kang, H, Karliner, I, Kawahara, H, Kendall, H, Kim, Y, King, M, King, R, Kofler, R, Krishna, N, Kroeger, R, Labs, J, Langston, M, Lath, A, Lauber, J, Leith, D, Lia, V, Liu, M, Liu, X, Loreti, M, Lu, A, Lynch, H, Ma, J, Mancinelli, G, Manly, S, Mantovani, G, Markiewicz, T, Maruyama, T, Masuda, H, Mazzucato, E, Mckemey, A, Meadows, B, Messner, R, Mockett, P, Moffeit, K, Moore, T, Muller, D, Nagamine, T, Narita, S, Nauenberg, U, Neal, H, Nussbaum, M, Ohnishi, Y, Oishi, N, Onoprienko, D, Osborne, L, Panvini, R, Park, C, Park, H, Pavel, T, Peruzzi, I, Piccolo, M, Piemontese, L, Pieroni, E, Pitts, K, Plano, R, Prepost, R, Prescott, C, Punkar, G, Quigley, J, Ratcliff, B, Reeves, T, Reidy, J, Reinertsen, P, Rensing, P, Rochester, L, Rowson, P, Russell, J, Saxton, O, Schall, T, Schindler, R, Schumm, B, Schwiening, J, Sen, S, Serbo, V, Shaevitz, M, Shank, J, Shapiro, G, Sherden, D, Shmakov, K, Simopoulos, C, Sinev, N, Smith, S, Smy, M, Snyder, J, Staengle, H, Stamer, P, Steiner, H, Steiner, R, Strauss, M, Su, D, Suekane, F, Sugiyama, A, Suzuki, S, Swartz, M, Szumilo, A, Takahashi, T, Taylor, F, Torrence, E, Trandafir, A, Turk, J, Usher, T, Va'Vra, J, Vannini, C, Vella, E, Venuti, J, Verdier, R, Verdini, P, Wagner, D, Wagner, S, Waite, A, Watts, S, Weidemann, A, Weiss, E, Whitaker, J, White, S, Wickens, F, Williams, D, Williams, S, Willocq, S, Wilson, R, Wisniewski, W, Woods, M, Word, G, Wyss, J, Yamamoto, R, Yamartino, J, Yang, X, Yashima, J, Yellin, S, Young, C, Yuta, H, Zapalac, G, Zdarko, R, Zhou, J
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
ISSN: 0031-9007
Popis: We report a new measurement of Rb = Gamma(Z0->b-bbar) / Gamma(Z0->hadrons) using a double tag technique, where the b hemisphere selection is based on the reconstructed mass of the B hadron decay vertex. The measurement was performed using a sample of 130k hadronic Z0 events, collected with the SLD at the SLC. The method utilizes the 3-D vertexing abilities of the CCD pixel vertex detector and the small stable SLC beams to obtain a high b-tagging efficiency and purity. We obtain Rb=0.2142+/-0.0034(stat.)+/-0.0015(syst.)+/-0.0002(R_c).
11 pages including 3 eps files
Databáze: OpenAIRE