Big Data, Healthcare System and Audience fragmentation: current and future trends and possibilities for media reporting on healthcare topics

Autor: Leali Osmančević
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: International Journal of Integrated Care; Vol 21: ICIC20 Virtual Conference 2020; 16
ISSN: 1568-4156
DOI: 10.5334/ijic.icic20343
Popis: Research interest for the field of Big Data is nowadays very high and developing almoust simultaneously along with the development of new media and new technologies in digital era. Big Data is mainly connected to the issues of privacy, ethics and security of data management but also data analytics, predictivity and ways of improvement the whole heathcare system with a major responsibility for the whole society. In that process, media as one of the main communication channels, is important factor for distributing relevant information, not only to those directly connected to the healthcare system, but also many different audiences that are part of democratic and responsible society. Big Data can effectively be used as a efficient connection between healthcare professionals, healthcare educators and media audiences, which are now, in the 21st century, extremely fragmented due to the information expansion and different kind of interests in specific, but not general information. Healthcare system should be one of the primary topics for all media audiences and that is one of the main reasons for implementing Big Data research and analysis in the whole healthcare system: not only regarding the medical proffesion, but also the role of media reporting on healthcare topics and their relevance as well as the accessibility to all media audiences, especially beyond the context of audience fragmentation. With its research methods, Big Data can give a whole new dimension both to healthcare system and media reporting trends, mainly by offering numerous possibilities and changes to the current situation. The main aim of this paper is, through systematic literature review, offer an detailed overview of achievements, possibilities and current and future trends in usage of Big Data in the healthcare system as well as the trends in media reporting. The paper will also highlight main opportunities but also the challenges and their way of influencing three main dimensions that Big Data is connected with: healthcare system, media reporting and media audiences. The paper will also offer examples of good practice and guidelines for responsible, ethical and effective proffessional activities both in the healthcare system, but also in the field of media. The topic of this paper aims to raise awareness of the increasing the usage of Big Data and analytics in healthcare education as well as the healthcare system, but also to highlight the importance of audience role in reading different media texts and evaluating media content related to healthcare topics and lastly, to show how the Big Data can be and should be in the future stable and effective connection between one of the largest system which is healthcare and many different media audiences that should be, regardless of their subjective interests, regularly and clearly informed on healthcare-related topics.
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