Defoe, the Sacheverell Affair, and A Letter to Mr. Bisset (1709)

Autor: Nicholas Seager
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America. 115:79-86
ISSN: 2377-6528
Popis: This article aims to remove the “probable” caveat from one title listed in P. N. Furbank and W. R. Owens’s Critical Bibliography of Daniel Defoe (1998). It demonstrates that previously overlooked external evidence confirms the internal evidence cited by Furbank and Owens, showing that Defoe certainly was the author of A Letter to Mr. Bisset (1709). Item “103(P)” in the Critical Bibliography should now be simply “103.” Our knowing for certain he wrote the pamphlet also presents an opportunity to clarify precisely how Defoe satirizes Henry Sacheverell in this neglected piece.
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