The potentials for development of eco-tourism in region Posavina inferior, Serbia

Autor: D Mirko Grcic
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva
Glasnik Srpskog Geografskog Društva, Vol 83, Iss 1, Pp 57-64 (2003)
Popis: When we talk about the Serbian touristic zones, what we usually have in mind and what we point out are the mountainous zones of the national parks. But there exists a plain zone with exceptional natural potentials for the development of eco-tourism. Still adequate attention has not been paid to it neither performed an appropriate touristic evaluation. We are talking about the zone of POSAVINA. A big, navigable river, numerous meanders, river islands, effluents, marshes and swamps rich in flora and fauna, create a remarkable natural environment, quite close to the big cities and international highways that has not been adequately evaluated in the fields of ecotourism. This study is a result of our intention to pay public attention to the natural potentials for the formation of an ecotouristic zone in the lower Posavina in Serbia, which is at the same time the most beautiful and in the ecological sense the most interesting part of the river Sava. In this section (206.5 km) Sava is very much alike a winding thread beaded with fantastic marsh terrains with rare floral and animal species, which are typical for this kind of biothop. Posavina in Serbia contains a whole chain of attractive zones and places, from the hunting forest of Bosut and Morović to the Ada Ciganlija. Natural complexes in their original state or slightly changed are an important eco-tourist resource in Posavina. They all should be to keep ecological balance, but at the same time to satisfied the rising ecological needs. Though some natural objects are protected, still it is not enough, and “the touristic digression”, i.e. degradation of environment, is higher and higher. In future ecostrategic planning, Posavina should be treated systematically, as a single ecotouristic zone. The red line of this zone is the river Sava that could be transformed into a single water ecopath. As a conclusion we could say that a complete protection of all marsh and water ecosystems in Posavina is needed not only as a widening of the tourist resource’s basis but also as a creation of an entire system of protection of flora and fauna (especially birds) world, as a basic natural recreation-touristic resource. Ecotourism of marshes and swamps (and of mountains as well) could become a touristic image of Serbia. Tourist destinations in Posavina can be tempting even up to the European standards. But this requires Sava to be accepted as a national eco-path and the integral solving of the ecological problems of Posavina. Only the ecological tourism can be profitable and at same time possible over a long period of time in the zone of Posavina. Srpska Posavina raspolaže nizom močvarnih ekosistema koji mogu biti iskorišćeni u razvoju ekoturizma. To su pre svega Obedska bara, bara Zasavica, bare Ribnjača i Orlača i druge. Ovi jedinstveni ekosistemi su staništa ptica močvarica, močvarne flore i faune evropskog značaja. Oni su međusobno povezani plovnom rekom Savom, što pruža mogućnost kombinovanja ekoturizma sa nautičkim turizmom. Osim toga, u Srpskoj Posavini se nalazi nekoliko arheoloških lokaliteta (Sirmium, Gomolava, Debrc), manastira i drugih kulturno-istorijskih spomenika (Mišar, Cer itd.), koji predstavljaju prvorazredne turističke motive. Prirodni i antropogeni motivi Srpske Posavine, čine ovaj pojas oko reke izuzetnom celinom. U budućnosti reka Sava i njene močvarne obale treba da dobiju poseban tretman zaštite i turističke valorizacije.
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