Ivanišević et al 2019 SIMONA – projekt uspostave sustava nadzora kakvoće drenažnog sedimenta dunavskog slijeva.pdf

Autor: Ivanisevic, Danijel, Janković, Ana Čaić, Mišur, Ivan, Šorša, Ajka, Halamić, Josip, Medić, Đorđa, Antolić, Jasmina, Kovačević, Aleksandra, Vićanović, Jelena
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.21930765.v1
Popis: The SIMONA project (Sediment-quality Information, MONitoring and Assessment system to support transnational cooperation for joint Danube Basin water management) is an Interreg project within the Danube Transnational Programme. The Danube River catchment is a water system extending across 19 European countries, so international cooperation is the only solution for the quality and responsible management of its water resources. 29 partner institutions from 14 European countries are participating in the project. Some of them are represented by scientific institutions, while the rest are represented by public authorities. The purpose of the project is to establish a common, international drainage sediment quality monitoring system, whereby the quality refers to priority inorganic and organic substances content prescribed by the European Union Water Framework Directive. The project's objective is to harmonise and standardise protocols of sampling, laboratory analyses and evaluation of the drainage sediment quality in all participating countries. It also aims to create a web application that will serve as a data entry and evaluation system. The joint monitoring system will allow a complete evaluation of the drainage sediment quality in the Danube catchment area, as well as the exchange and comparison of data between participating countries. It will also provide data access to interested researchers from other branches of science.
Databáze: OpenAIRE