Blumea floresiana Boerlage

Autor: Dilsha, Muthalaveettil, Satheesh, George
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7957249
Popis: Blumea floresiana (Sch.Bip. ex Miq.) Boerlage (Fig. 2) Handleiding tot de kennis der flora van Nederlandsch Indië: Beschrijving van de families en geslachten der Nederl. Indische phanerogamen 2 (1): 238 (Boerlage 1891). — Basionym: Conyza floresiana Sch. Bip. Ex Miq., Flora van Nederlandsch Indie 2: 45 (Miquel 1856). Blumea sessiliflora Decne., Nouvelles Annales du Muséum d’Histoire naturelle 3: 410 (Decaisne 1834). TYPE SPECIMEN. — Barie island, Ad rupes prope Barie, insula Flores, 25.IV.1850, Zollinger 3329 (lecto-, P [P00692057, digital image]!, here designated; isolecto-, L [L.3021868]!, M [M-0093753]!, P [P01816044, P00692058, P00692059]!, U [U0246861]!). TYPE LOCALITY. — Barie island. REMARKS Various author citations are encountered for the name Blumea floresiana. Some of them are ‘(Sch.Bip.ex.Miq.) Boerl.ex Koord.’, ‘(Sch. Bip. ex. Miq.) Koord.’, ‘(Sch.-Bip.) Boerl’., ‘Sch.Bip.’, ‘Boerlage’ and ‘(Sch.-Bip.) Boerl’. In two important revisionary studies of Blumea by Randeria (1960) and Pornpongrungrueng et al. (2016), the author citation followed is ‘(Sch.-Bip.) Boerl’. Boerlage (1891) created a combination using the name Conyza floresiana Sch. -Bip. (in Zollinger 1854). But the name Conyza floresiana is invalid.Schulz-Bipontinus listed 25 Conyza species, among them C. floresiana (no. 16), C. celebica (no. 23) and C. monocephala (no. 24), for which a single descriptive character is provided: “ Fl. lutei ” – i.e. yellow flowers – not serving as a diagnostic character and so these names were not valid. Miquel (1856) validated Conyza floresiana Sch. -Bip. by providing a description. Hence, the correct author citation for the name Blumea floresiana is definitely ‘(Sch.Bip. ex Miq.) Boerlage’. The name Conyza floresiana Sch. -Bip. first appeared in a publication ofZollinger (1854). Zollinger stated that the determination of Compositae in his work was carried out by Schultz-Bipontinus.In protologue herbarium number of Zollinger 3329 is mentioned, while no specific herbarium is mentioned. We traced four sheets of Zollinger 3329 from P, one each from L, M and U. Schultz-Bipontinus cited the locality as “ Ad rupes pr. Barie L. ins. Flores VI ”. Zollinger detailed the locality as “ Eiland flores, op rotsen aan de kust bij bari ”, meaning: “Island of Flores, on rocks on the coast near Bari”.Most of the herbarium sheets of Zollinger used by F.A. W.Miquel for his Flora van Nederlandsch Indië is at P.So we designate the sheet with barcodeP00692057 as the lectotype of the name Blumea floresiana.
Published as part of Dilsha, Muthalaveettil & Satheesh, George, 2023, Lectotypification of three names in the genus Blumea DC. (Asteraceae), pp. 161-166 in Adansonia (3) (3) 45 (11) on page 162, DOI: 10.5252/adansonia2023v45a11,
{"references":["BOERLAGE J. G. 1891. - Handleiding tot de kennis der flora van Nederlandsch Indie: Beschrijving van de families en geslachten der Nederl. Indische Phanerogamen 2 (1): 238.","MIQUEL F. A. W. 1856. - Flora van Nederlandsch Indie. Vol. 2. Fried. Fleischer, Leipzig, Van der Post, Amsterdam, Utrecht, 1103 p. https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 5869190","DECAISNE J. 1834. - Description d'un herbier de L'ile de Timor. Nouvelles Annales du Museum d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, 3: 410. https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 10294579","RANDERIA A. J. 1960. - The Compositae genus Blumea, a taxonomic revision. Blumea 10: 176 - 317.","PORNPONGRUNGRUENG P., GUSTAFSSON M. H., BORCHSENIUS F., KOYAMA H. & CHANTARANOTHAI P. 2016. - Blumea (Compositae: Inuleae) in continental Southeast Asia. Kew Bulletin 71 (1): 1 - 46. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / s 12225 - 016 - 9612 - 2","ZOLLINGER H. 1854. - Systematisches Verzeichnis der im indischen Archipel in den Jahren 1842 - 1848 gesammelten sowie der aus Japan empfangenen Pflanzen. Vol. 1 - 2. E. Kiesling, Zurich, 160 p. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 80000"]}
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